Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Finding a Job in the Ville

Submitted by Aislinn Goad, SSS Mentor

Though it may seem like there aren’t many available jobs in this small town, Northwest offers many resources to help find a job. Whether you need money to pay for tuition, a little extra cash, or a position to help pad your résumé, here are some sites to aid you in your search:

  •  http://www.nwmissouri.edu/hr/student/index.htm - The Northwest website has a Student Employment page. Just click on “Job Postings” and scroll through the list of available positions. Most will have a description of the job and a due date, with an attached application. Just fill one out as needed and follow the directions about turning it in. Make sure to click on “Non-University Employment” as well, as there are sometimes postings for positions such as babysitters.
  • http://www.campusdish.com/en-US/CSMW/NorthwestMissouri/ContactUs/ - Campus Dining has a separate website with job postings for jobs at places on campus such as the Food Court or Freshens. Just click on “Employment” and fill out an application!
  • http://www.nwmissouri.edu/careerserv/HABinfo.htm - Career Services is a great resource, and has a program called “Hire A Bearcat.” This is a place where Northwest students can look for jobs and internships. You can upload a résumé and look at lots of current openings.
  • There are also many resources online such as www.monster.com  and http://www.maryvilledailyforum.com/ (The Maryville newspaper) where you can search for positions in the area.


Good luck on your search!!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Budgeting Tips from a Fellow College Student

         Do you often find yourself in a situation where you are out of money and it’s only been a week since you got your last parent installment or salary? Budgeting and making sure you have enough money to pay for rent or being able to go out and eat at the end of the week is something that most college students struggle with no matter what their income level is.

To learn how to understand the value of money and create a buffer is not always the easiest. Most people in college have some kind of extra job besides classes but with all the expenses and activities that a college student may engage in, it is hard to have anything left to save at the end of the month. A buffer is great to have in cases of unexpected expenses or if you perhaps want to go on a spring break trip, or if you just want to buy that cool shirt you found at the mall. An easy way to get going with your saving is by putting away 10% of your salary every month. This may not seem like a whole lot to you depending on how much you make, but it makes a great difference in the long-run. By having a buffer not only will you have some extra money, you will also avoid using credit cards and other type of fee associated payment options that build bad debt. Even though credit cards are great, they tend to lead to expensive interest charges and bad credit scores.

            A budget should include all your monthly expenses and if you find it hard to think of what these might be, use your online bank statements to look them up. Your version of a monthly budget might look a little bit different but this is the template I use.
    Good luck with your budget - remember, the SSS mentors are always here if you need help getting started!!

 - Carl Larsson

Friday, February 15, 2013

There's An App For That - SERIOUSLY, There Is!!

Have you ever wanted to use your smart phone for something other than texting and Facebook?
While those things are great, wouldn’t it be nice if your phone could help you with your homework? And no, I’m not talking about the pre-installed calculator app. Besides the countless “Top 10 Educational App” searches you can do,  this short blog will explain a few of my favorites as well as some very useful college-level apps for your phone along with some helpful links.

Let’s first start off with the free Cornell Note-taking App for iPads. This app allows you to have the power of Cornell Note-taking at the end of your fingertips and access to free blank outlines.

·        Check it out here: http://cornell-note-taking-app.allmynotes.org/       

For you educators out there, also be aware that there is a free Course Standards app. To help you with all of your planning needs. It’s free!

Since I’m more of a science nerd than anything, a lot of my favorite apps are science related. I’m pretty fond of Discover News. You can be sure to impress your professors by staying up-to-date with the breaking news in the science world. From a new dinosaur finding, to the ongoing discussion on Pluto, they’re sure to have it.
I might also suggest SkyView. This app will actually let you find any celestial body or satellite in the sky, day or night by using your phones camera; so yeah, we’ve even got Astronomy covered.  There are also several Periodic Table apps to help you with Chemistry, Google Earth for Geography and countless Anatomy related apps. If you have a class with homework, there’s probably an app for that, and that’s no joke!

So why not close out of Facebook and your Message Center (for you “multitaskers”) and give your app store a visit. Many of these apps are free and can help you towards getting the grade you want. Your phone is called a smart phone for a reason, so put it to work and let it help you take the smart road through college.

Below you will find some helpful links to some of the other top education apps on the web. Check them out; they might just make that smart phone even smarter.


Tuesday, February 12, 2013

FAFSA = Money!!!

What more money for college? Do you fill out your FAFSA every year? Well if you don’t you are wasting a large amount of money! Here is a little about the FAFSA someone applying or needs to remember:


    • You must have financial need
    • U.S. citizen or eligible non citizen
    • Enrolled in an eligible degree or certificate program at college or career school


1.  The first step in the FAFSA process begins with visiting http://www.fafsa.ed.gov/
If you are a new user you must create an account. You do this by clicking “Start a New FAFSA”.  Here is where you will enter your Name, SSS number, etc.

 2.  The second section of the application deals with dependency status. This will include questions regarding income and assets of a student’s parents.

3.  The third section deals with parental information such as income and tax returns.

4.  The fourth section deals with your student finances.

NOTE:  You MUST complete the FAFSA every year...most think you do it once and that is NOT the case!!! 


Missouri: April 1st

(This date varies between states)

It depends on the state your college is located!


If you would like more help with the FAFSA or need more information about financial aid, stop by the SSS office and let us know!  You can also contact the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships on campus. 


Want to sit down with a Financial Aid representative who can walk you through the FAFSA process?  Make arrangements to attend the FAFSA Frenzy on the campus of Northwest Missouri State on Sunday, February 17th from 2-4 pm in Colden Hall room 1200.  YOU DON’T NEED TO HAVE COMPLETED YOUR TAXES TO COMPLETE THE FAFSA!!!


 Just make sure you get it submitted by the deadline – you can always go back and make changes once your parents file their tax return.

Friday, February 8, 2013

Getting Involved to Get the Job

(via SSS Student Mentor Kayla Etherton)...

Whenever I came to Northwest, I knew absolutely no one. It was scary but it encouraged me to get involved on campus. I couldn’t be happier about my decision to join several organizations. Northwest has over 150 student organizations, ranging from sports clubs, to Greek life, to academic honor societies. If there is something that you have an interest in, it’s likely that you’ll find an organization here to meet your needs! Not only does getting involved give you the chance to make a ton of friends and awesome memories, but it’s a great resume builder too.
The job market is super competitive right now, and showing that you were involved or held leadership positions during your time in college is a great advantage that you could have. Employers want active minds with interpersonal skills, and a great way to show that you have just that is through being an active member in an organization!
If you have any questions about how to get involved on campus or have any particular interest that you want to pursue, shoot me an email at s507919@mail.nwmissouri.edu. Also, make sure to check out the link to see all of the student organizations that Northwest has to offer! Get out there and get involved, it could be just the thing that lands you your dream job.