Welcome back SSS Students! This is Brenda Johnson - Student Development Specialist here at SSS. I hope you all had a really great summer and are ready to get back in the swing of things. I know I am ready to see more traffic on the 3rd floor!
We had a very eventful summer in the SSS office. Although it wasn't as busy as the fall, it was nice to have some down time to plan events and workshops that we hope you will ALL take full advantage of!
Along with all of the great workshops and cultural events we have planned for you, we hope you also take the time to get re-CONNECTED with SSS. We have taken over the social networking world this summer(thanks to Ally) and you now have absolutely no reason not to know what is happening here in Student Support Services. You can find us on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Pintrest (you can also find all the details for Ally's future wedding, classroom, and home she has yet to buy). Although I am glad we are now so available to you, I now officially feel like my parents did when I told them about this super-cool-amazing-new thing called email!! So, let's get tweeting and poking each other right away!!!
This blog will also be something new for SSS. We will be posting a new blog every week, with helpful advice regarding Financial Literacy, Campus Events, Study Skills, and any other information we feel is share worthy! If you have any ideas or topics you would like to see covered on the blog - PLEASE, let us know. We are here for you!
Good luck as you start your semester...whether it's your first, third, or final one on campus, take advantage of the resources that SSS can offer you. It may be a free planner, resume' paper, or just a highlighter - but we will get what you need!
Best of luck this year - GO BEARCATS!!!
P.S. Stop by the office as soon as you get back and complete a needs assessment for us - we will get what we need, and you'll get something FREE!
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