Tuesday, February 12, 2013

FAFSA = Money!!!

What more money for college? Do you fill out your FAFSA every year? Well if you don’t you are wasting a large amount of money! Here is a little about the FAFSA someone applying or needs to remember:


    • You must have financial need
    • U.S. citizen or eligible non citizen
    • Enrolled in an eligible degree or certificate program at college or career school


1.  The first step in the FAFSA process begins with visiting http://www.fafsa.ed.gov/
If you are a new user you must create an account. You do this by clicking “Start a New FAFSA”.  Here is where you will enter your Name, SSS number, etc.

 2.  The second section of the application deals with dependency status. This will include questions regarding income and assets of a student’s parents.

3.  The third section deals with parental information such as income and tax returns.

4.  The fourth section deals with your student finances.

NOTE:  You MUST complete the FAFSA every year...most think you do it once and that is NOT the case!!! 


Missouri: April 1st

(This date varies between states)

It depends on the state your college is located!


If you would like more help with the FAFSA or need more information about financial aid, stop by the SSS office and let us know!  You can also contact the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships on campus. 


Want to sit down with a Financial Aid representative who can walk you through the FAFSA process?  Make arrangements to attend the FAFSA Frenzy on the campus of Northwest Missouri State on Sunday, February 17th from 2-4 pm in Colden Hall room 1200.  YOU DON’T NEED TO HAVE COMPLETED YOUR TAXES TO COMPLETE THE FAFSA!!!


 Just make sure you get it submitted by the deadline – you can always go back and make changes once your parents file their tax return.

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